Securing a place at Breaside
Breaside Preparatory School has a diverse community and we welcome applications from families of all cultures, ethnic groups and religions.
We are an academically selective school with waiting lists for some year groups and places are offered in accordance with our Admissions Policy.
Entry into Kindergarten (2½-3 years)
Children can join Kindergarten from the age of 2½ and take advantage of the crucially important early years curriculum that is on offer and where children learn and play in a safe, friendly and structured environment. Our Early Years Curriculum is broad and balanced and great emphasis is placed on the child’s individual needs and progress.
Entry into Pre-Prep (3-4 years)
In addition to our children moving up from Kindergarten, entry into Pre-Prep, Reception and Years 1-6 is according to the availability of places and the meeting of our entry requirements.
Entry into Prep (4+-11 years)
In addition to our children moving up from Pre-Prep into Reception and Years 1-6 is according to the availability of places and the meeting of our entry requirements.
Make an Enquiry
Contact our Registrar, Mrs Lucy Greaves, to discuss your interest in the school and to check availability in the relevant year group. We will also be able to send you a copy of our prospectus .
Book a Visit
We welcome the opportunity to show you around our wonderful school and to discuss all aspects of school life and experience the atmosphere.
Where applicable, we may ask your child to complete an assessment and request a report from your child’s previous school. This can be arranged as we continue through the process.
Receive an offer
If your child is offered a place, a payment of £1000 is required upon acceptance to secure your place at Breaside. This is refunded when your child leaves the school.